Stormcaller by Daniel Laan


Stormcaller by Daniel Laan

Photoshop Tutorials: Laanscapes.com/video This mountain processing video has been completely redesigned from the ground up. Starting relatively simple, these 3 videos quickly explains getting fantastic results with so-so images. See what's in store for this Start-to-Finish post-processing video! Subjects covered include: Handling overexposed skies Handling complex blends that include Focus Stacking and Perspective Blending Simultaneous Raw pre-processing Aligning for Focus Stacking in Photoshop Blending a Focus Stack by Hand Creative Controlled Warping Dodging for detail Luminosity Selections (RGB Channels and Tony Kuyper’s luminosity masks) Cloning and sensor dust removal Post-Processing for a dramatic film-look Orton effect creation and control Adding Light Bleed and other light effects Dark Mood processing Sharpening for the web Export for the Web

Daniel Laan: Photos