Feline Fury ! by Sunil
The spotlight is on the Jaguar (Scientific name: Panthera Onca) this week. They are members of an an immensely powerful feline species and rule on top of the food chain with other predators . Jaguars employ an unusual killing method: it bites directly through the skull of mammalian prey between the ears to deliver a fatal blow to the brain. And if that is disturbing; on a tender note, the design patterns on its fur are called rosettes! This one expresses its displeasure with a warning snarl for me. Any step further and my pursuit would be in peril. To answer an inquisitive photographer, the processing strategy here has been to control the light we do not wish to see and what remains, always makes the most alluring image. Dodging and burning in PS can create some fascinating outcomes.
Sunil : Photos